Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church
“…A Chosen Generation, A Royal Priesthood”
Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church of Greenville, North Carolina was founded in 1860 by a group of 22 individuals that shared a vision of a church where they could worship God in spirit and in truth. They envisioned a church where they would journey from salvation to service under the authority of the Holy Scriptures; while seeking to transform every member into a believer, every believer into a disciple, and every disciple into a witness of the goodness of God.
For more than 150 years the church has flourished as a result of constant prayer and labor. Strong leaders have advanced the church on its journey from its corner of First and Greene Street location from 1865 – 1968 (movement caused by Urban Renewal); to its Eighth Street location from 1968-1998; to its current location in 1998 at 1001 Hooker Road. Our congregation is committed to biblical principles and believes that we are called to serve with excellence and integrity. We believe the Bible as the true Word of God is instruction for living a Christian life. We value the freedom to worship and express our faith and unconditional love of God; and we value Christian stewardship through the use of our time, talents, and finances. We also the value our responsibility and accountability to God and excellence without exception and quality without question.
Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist is a healthy church with approximately 125 active members who are engaged in numerous church ministries and fully involved in the uplift and improvement of the church community. As a result of our significant history and through the vigilant efforts of our members and collaboration with the community and city officials, the church successfully realized an agreement to honor our original church and the predominantly African American neighborhood which surrounded it with the development of a historic gateway to the Town Common on the original church site. The project is part of the Town Common Master Plan, a phased effort to update the park facility. The Sycamore Hill Gateway Plaza will include a commemorative tower, plaza, and gardens and it will serve as a place of healing, celebratory remembrance, and special activities for residents and visitors while creating a western gateway into the park. Our ministerial staff and church Deacons, Deaconesses, and Trustees provide leadership and support for those in our aging congregation, as well as our younger families and children. We offer a home for members of many denominations and faith backgrounds and open our doors to all who wish to follow Jesus on a journey of faith. The church building is comprised of 17,530 square feet of space and is located on 8 acres of land in the middle of the city. The sanctuary has a seating capacity of 750 with an additional 150 seats available in a fellowship hall that also houses the church kitchen. We celebrated the burning of the mortgage of our church in June of 2017.
Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church is surrounded by a five mile radius of single family homes and apartments. The Greenville-Pitt County area is one of the fastest growing urban centers in the State of North Carolina. It is also a leading retail center in eastern North Carolina and rates as one of only a dozen billion dollar retail markets in North Carolina. Greenville is widely recognized as the cultural, educational, economic, and medical hub of eastern North Carolina. While retaining its Southern charm, Greenville has grown into the 10th largest city in the state and is a thriving, small metropolitan city of over 91,000 in the heart of Pitt County which has a population of over 177,000 residents. The city also maintains a broad selection of housing styles and environments on the market at any given time with the cost of living below state and national averages.
From our early beginnings at the river location on First and Greene Streets to our current structure on Hooker Road, our goal at Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist church has been to be a blessing to our community. We believe that the future is bright for our church. Great blessings are in store for us and greater good is coming!