Senior Pastor Position

Closing Date: June 15, 2018

Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church (SHMBC) of Greenville, North Carolina is prayerfully seeking candidates for the position of full time Senior Pastor. SHMBC is the oldest predominately black church in Greenville (having served this community since 1860). We are seeking a full-time pastor that meets the qualifications set forth in 1Timothy 3:1-7 and the pastoral guidelines defined in II Timothy 4:1-5.


  • The following are some key qualification expectations:
  • Must have demonstrated ability to prepare and deliver biblically sound, stimulating, inspirational and Spirit-filled sermons
  • Must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; a Master’s of Divinity degree from an ATS accredited seminary is preferred
  • Must be licensed and Ordained by a Missionary Baptist Association
  • Must have a minimum of three (3) years of senior pastoral experience or three (3) years of significant ministerial experience
  • Must have a vision and commitment for church growth and spiritual development, especially in youth and young adults
  • Must have demonstrated effective church administration and strong leadership skills
  • Must have knowledge of group dynamics and the ability to communicate with diverse populations (ages, races, people with varying levels of education, economic status), including the use of social media


Interested applicants must mail a letter of interest with a detailed resume that includes complete contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address).

This submission must be postmarked no later than June 15, 2018 and sent to:

SHMBC Pastoral Search
PO Box 289
Winterville, NC 28590

Upon receipt of your resume the search committee will send an acknowledgment of your submission.

Please no phone calls, emails, or in person inquiries.
All personal information will be protected and kept confidential. We appreciate your interest.